Friday, November 18, 2011

Rolling Stones ad final

I then took the image and gave it more of a vintage look which was what I was planing on being the focus of the clothes store. To play along well with the photo I made the header take a vintage look as well and took a sample of the long grass and put it in the header to send it to the next level. I was over all very pleased with the outcome. Having no real photography training this was an adventure for me and as stated earlier am very pleased with the results.

Rolling Stones ad photo

Once I got my sketch I went out and did a photo shoot. unfortunately there was no wind so i didn't get the wind effect I was hoping for but still managed to get a good shot for the image in my head. Special thanks for the model being so cooperative =)

Rolling Stones ad thumb nail

For the Rolling Stones ad I wanted to try and dod something I wouldn't normally do so I decided to make it clothes store ad. I ended up deciding on this sketch because it had a sorta nice hourglass style composition to it (which is a style I seem to be drawn to) and the very one on one human to human element it had.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Anti smoking poster final

And here is the finished project, overall I couldn't be much happier the it. I had a blast with illustrating the smoke skull and was very pleased with the overall composition of the piece. one of the things I definitely struggled with this piece was when erasing the background of the face from the original photo I ended up having to take out a lot of her hair. In doing this it gave me the chance to work some photoshop skills and retouch up her face and repaint the hair. I believe I definitely could have touched up the face more but as stated earlier I'm overall very happy with how the poster came out.

Anti smoking poster rough draft

This is a pick about at the half stage of the project. I have flipped the image so it now reads left to right and at this point the only finished piece is the face but it gives you the general feel of where the projects going.

Anti smoking poster sketch

During the thumbnail phase of the project I was drawn to this sketch right away. it had the start of a nice composition with almost and hourglass style model though i was worried the face might take away from the composition I was confident in the overall design.